What are five things I am thankful for?

Life-time friends are gifts from God. Life-time friends are those friends that we have known most of our lives. Although we might not see them often, yet the familiarity of many yesterdays cemented a strong friendship.

My life-time friend, Natalie Gibson @nattygibson posted this on Facebook:

3 things I try to do each day:

  1. Compliment someone
  2. Encourage someone
  3. Have one meaningful conversation

She went on to say, "I know it doesn't seem like much, but it might help in the world we live in now!"

What if we all did this in our school or work, at home or at church?

When we choose to invite Jesus into everything, think good about ourselves and focus on the good things in our lives, we live out of an overflow of gratitude, which enables us to give to others.

I am going to join Natalie and try to do this everyday, and I encourage you to join us.

How can I encourage others today?

Jesus, fill me with Your love and remind me of the good things in my life, so that I live overflowing with Your kindness and give this to others. In Your name

The Way Counseling
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