What 5 things am I grateful for?

Rejection...I hate it, don't you? Rejection hurts, it is like a punch to the stomach. If we choose to let rejection have power in our lives, it can:  stop us, to drive our thoughts away from hope, steal a dream, make us feel unwanted or isolated...

Yesterday, I received a rejection email. For five years, I have been writing, “Choosing Hope- Our Fairytale to Forgiveness,” the agent that I sent it to emailed this response, "Your manuscript is not needed at this time."

What I want to do is stop risking, stop putting my writing out there, and stay in the seemingly safe. As I was chewing on these feelings, I texted my eighteen year old son @owingunyon37 and told him. This was his response, "Rejection is one step closer to success."

The rejection still didn't feel good. But I thought, "He is right, I am sending my proposal to another agent tomorrow."

Last night, as I watched the Mask Singer with my kids, I noticed most of the singers told their story of multiple rejections on their road to success. Yet they kept going.

What can we do with REJECTION?

  1. Face it- "I got rejected and it felt miserable." How have you been rejected?
  2. Give that pain to God and ask Him to empower and lead
  3. Ask yourself- what is motivating me? What is my "why"?
  4. Keep our "why" in mind as we seek progress everyday (Keep going, work hard, stay motivated!)
  5. Choose everyday to invite Jesus into everything.

Our thoughts about us, our feeling of belonging, and our hope must come from Him, everything else leaves us empty (even when we reach our dreams).

Jesus, I give You the rejection that I have faced. Take away the damage it has done in my heart, my thoughts, and even in my work ethic. I choose to think hopeful! Walk beside me as I continue to risk, to walk in faith, to live the adventure that You have for me. In Jesus name

The Way Counseling
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