5 good things in my life are?

Life can feel so complex. Yet, so much in life is very simple. If everyday we just think, say, and do the next right thing in every area- we can live life to the FULL!

How do we figure this out? 

As a high student I remember asking my youth pastor this. He responded, "Love God, love others- then you will know what to do."

In every area of our lives we can ask ourselves:

Am I loving God in this?"
Am I loving God-In the way I think?
Am I loving God in the way I pursue my dreams?
Am I loving God in the way I do my work, my school, my friendships?
Am I loving God in the way I live my moments?

God knows us to the core of who we are and loves us there. ️ He knows every detail, nothing surprises Him. What He desires is that everyday we live in relationship with Him, just like we would a best friend.

"Love God" means live my life repeatedly giving God me and inviting Him into everything. When we do this He lives life in us and through us- to the FULL!

God, I invite You to live my moments with me. I give You, me. In Jesus name

"Jesus said, 'Love the Lord your God with ALL your person and prayer and intelligence. This is the most important, the first on any list." (Matthew 6:37 MSG)

The Way Counseling
Contact Becca