Good things in my life: (For me it’s hot chocolate on a cold day.)


"Now He (Jesus) is the exact likeness of the unseen God (the visible representation of the invisible): He is the Firstborn of all creation." (Colossians 1:15)

The stories of Jesus reveal the heart of God. If I ever feel distant from God, reading a story from when Jesus walked here reminds me of God's character. Jesus spoke truth wrapped in love. He gave grace to the undeserving. He loved the children and the seemingly ordinary. He was so dynamic a crowd followed Him. Yet even though He was perfect, He often found a quiet place to pray and talk to God. 

Looking at Jesus explains the heart of God. In a world of unknowns, God's heart is a safe place to entrust our lives to. 

What do I think about God? 

What do I think God sees when He thinks about me?

God, remind me Who You are through the life of Jesus and help me to choose to see You as a God who I can entrust my life to. In Jesus name

The Way Counseling
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