“No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day.” (John 6:44 AMP)

Come, follow me.” (Matthew 5:19a NIV)  His invitation to the disciples, I often picture Jesus whispering, “Come.” His invitation is so simple, yet so life-altering.

To come would mean following Him into an unknown journey, thus leaving every familiarity, comfort, maybe even a dream behind. Yet this invitation would lead to real life, inner abundance, the living water every single soul searches for. Following Him results in finding life's purpose, truth, and an indwelling of the Spirit. Real life, adventurous life, life to the full, life with the Life Giver is found in acceptance of His invitation.

It’s always a mystery to me that the disciples did not know where they were going, yet each left their familiar. These early Jesus followers must have been so captured by His essence. It makes me wonder what it was about Him that was mysteriously inspiring and magnetic. Was it His Voice, the “Voice of many waters?” (Revelations 1:15) Was it His eyes, the window to the soul? (Matthew 6) Was it His likable personality?

Deep down, I know the Spirit of God was calling, whispering, inviting. When I quiet my myriad of thoughts, I hear the same invitation, “Come..”

In my imagination, I envision Jesus inviting me to walk on water with Him. What I usually picture is this calm, serene scene, Jesus’ hand extending to me and when I take it,  we walk peacefully on the water toward a bright peaceful sunrise.

Yet, this morning in my devotion time, He gave me a new mental picture: The invitation is the same as His hand reaching out to mine, “Come.”

Ready to walk upon tranquil waters, I reach out my hand accepting His simple, life-giving invitation. Surprisingly, the scene is not what I expected. We walk against the waves, the sky is dim, the clouds covering sun, the waves are uncomfortable, and I am struggling to walk upon them. I have this advantage, because I know the story of Peter. Instead of looking at the waves I am struggling to take on, I look to Him. His peaceful essence in the midst of the storm, He is not rattled or surprised by the waves. His calm is enough to cover my fears, my unknowns, my struggles. He knows. He is with me.

In this place with Him, I surrender the waves in my life, my worries with each loved one, my longings, my insecurities, the anxious thoughts that can feel tormenting or unending. As I invite Him into the privacy of my mind—in this place of being battered by the waves, but defeating them because of His presence—I am fully at peace when looking at Him. Yet, for a duration of our journey there is a temptation to look down at the waves I am stepping on. A deep desire for familiarity tries to tell me to look ahead toward the unknowns and devise a plan. As these thoughts try to pull me away, the are conquered by His Perfect Love, Perfect Peace, Perfect Joy. His essence quiets the nagging thoughts of my humanity, His Voice hushes the voice of trying and striving on my own. There are moments when I consider which voice to listen to, yet I know the Voice of Truth is the best choice. A tranquil presence fills my heart, mind, and soul because my hand is in His. Fully known and fully loved, giving Him my real thoughts, walking through the rough waters with Jesus is the safest place.

“Come,” Jesus' invitation beckons to us. To me, the invitation to come, means Jesus is whispering, “Live in a relationship with Me. Let Me live in you and through you. Let Me hold you through life's storms and unknowns. Give Me each deep longing, entrust each loved one, share your real with Me. Trust Me with the journey I have placed you on, for I will never leave you or forsake you.”

“When you pass through the waters,
   I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
   they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
   you will not be burned;
  the flames will not set you ablaze.” (Isaiah 43:2 NIV)

The Way Counseling
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