And God’s peace [shall be yours, that tranquil state of a soul assured of its salvation through Christ, and so fearing nothing from God and being content with its earthly lot of whatever sort that is, that peace] which transcends all understanding shall garrison and mount guard over your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philipians 4:7 AMPC)

Is what I’m listening to causing me to be peaceful?

On any given day, many sounds fill the space. Early in the morning when I’m on a walk, the symphony of birds can be heard waking up the day. At night, crickets sound in a cadence peaceful and powerful. Throughout the day, different noises vie for attention and most of the sounds are not peaceful. There are many moments when I can choose what I am listening to. In the morning, I can hear the melody of birds or the cars driving down the road adjacent to my neighborhood. I can listen to the joy of the verses I read or the worrisome thoughts that try to consume my mind. I get to choose what I tune my heart to.

There are sounds that bring great peace and other sounds that steal peace. I ask myself: Is the voice in my head the voice of the Beloved? Or is the voice I hear one of condemnation? What am I choosing to listen to? Is what I’m hearing affecting what I think about? Am I dwelling on life-giving messages or those that steal joy?

Today, may we acknowledge what we are listening to and may we examine the condition of our heart. And in that place of truth, may we embrace the unconditional love and unending grace of God through Jesus. May we hear His whisper that we are loved, chosen, precious, treasured, cherished, for we are His masterpiece. May all the other echoes in our mind stay in harmony with the truth of who we are, sons and daughters of the King. 

Self Reflection:

  • What am I listening to? 
  • Is this sound life-giving or is it stealing my joy and peace? 
  • How can I tune into His voice instead of the worlds? 


Jesus, I choose You. Give me strength to choose to listen to You even when I don’t feel like it or think about it. May Your truths echo in my mind. In Jesus’ name.

The Way Counseling
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